The Wordless Book

I first came to accept Jesus as my personal savior at age 6.

My mom had a doctor’s appointment one morning and left me to be watched by her friend, Pearl.

Pearl was a wonderful Christian woman. She loved the Lord.

She asked me if I would like to hear a story. Naturally I said yes, for entertainment and for much craved attention!

She showed me a “wordless” book with different coloured pages.

“GOLD is for Heaven and God wants us all to go there but…” as she turned to the black page, “we can’t because of our BLACK sins. Turning to the red page she stated, “RED is for the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for us”. She then turned to the white page and continued with the story, “and when we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and come into our hearts as Lord and Saviour, our BLACK sins are turned WHITE as snow.

She turned back to the gold page and continued on, “When we die we can go to Heaven (GOLD)” and closing the pages, she showed me the cover and said “the color GREEN is for all growing things and we can GROW in the Lord.”

I accepted the Lord as my Saviour right after the plan of salvation was presented to me in The Wordless Book.
