The Devil’s Beatitudes 2

BLESSED are they who are too tired & busy to go to church on Sunday: for they are my best workers.
BLESSED are they who are bored with the preacher’s & teacher’s mannerisms and mistakes: for they will get nothing out of the services.
BLESSED is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church: he is an important member to me.
BLESSED are they who do not go to church on Sunday evening: they cause the world to say “The church is failing.”
BLESSED are they who gossip: for they cause strife and division, which pleases me much.
BLESSED are they who are easily offended: they soon get angry and quit.
BLESSED are they who do not give of their tithes and offerings to carry on God’s work: they are my helpers.
BLESSED is he who professed to love God but hates his brother: he shall live with me forever.
BLESSED is he who has no time to pray: he will be an easy prey.
BLESSED is he who doesn’t read God’s word: he will follow me readily.

John & Cathy O’Brien Missionaries to Russia